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Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

Dealing with the aftermath of a drunk driving accident can be overwhelming and traumatic. At Friedland & Associates, we understand the challenges you may be facing and are dedicated to helping you recover the compensation you deserve. If you've been injured in an auto accident caused by a drunk driver, our experienced drunk driving accident lawyers are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need during this difficult time.


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How Can a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Help?

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

In no-fault states, such as Florida and New York, insurance coverage typically applies regardless of who is at fault in an accident. Each party’s insurance company usually covers their medical expenses and other losses up to a certain limit. However, when injuries are severe and exceed the limits of your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, pursuing additional compensation through a third-party claim or lawsuit becomes essential, especially when dealing with a drunk driving incident.

Accident Investigation

Our legal team will initiate a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the accident. We will gather evidence to strengthen your case, which involves analyzing police reports, obtaining witness statements, reviewing medical records, and assessing the accident scene. By building a solid foundation of evidence, we can effectively establish the liability of the drunk driver.

Proving Negligence

To successfully hold the drunk driver accountable for their actions, we will demonstrate that their impaired state due to alcohol consumption directly contributed to the accident. We’ll utilize records of their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and examine any criminal charges they may be facing as crucial evidence to prove their negligence.

Calculating Damages

A drunk driving accident lawyer on our legal team is well-versed in evaluating the extent of damages that have resulted from the accident. Beyond medical expenses and lost wages, we take into consideration the intangible losses you may have suffered, such as pain, suffering, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life. If punitive damages are appropriate, we will work diligently to secure compensation that goes beyond covering your immediate financial losses.

Navigating the Legal Process

When PIP coverage falls short of addressing your needs, pursuing a lawsuit against the at-fault drunk driver becomes a viable option. Our skilled car accident lawyers will guide you through each step of the legal process, providing you with comprehensive legal representation and advocating for your rights.


We will engage in negotiations with the insurance company to reach a fair settlement that adequately addresses your damages. If necessary, we are prepared to take your case to court and present a compelling argument before a judge and jury to secure the compensation you deserve.

What Makes Drunk Driving So Dangerous?

Drunk driving accidents pose a severe and imminent threat to the safety of everyone on the road. The dangerous combination of alcohol impairment and operating a vehicle can lead to catastrophic consequences and can impact the driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle in many ways, including:

Impaired judgment and reaction time

Alcohol impairs a driver’s cognitive functions, including judgment and decision-making. Impaired drivers are more likely to take unnecessary risks, such as speeding or ignoring traffic signals. Additionally, alcohol slows down reaction times, making it difficult for a driver to respond promptly to sudden changes in traffic conditions or unexpected obstacles.

Decreased coordination

Alcohol affects a driver’s physical coordination, leading to reduced motor skills. This can impact their ability to steer the vehicle properly, maintain a steady speed, and execute safe maneuvers like braking and accelerating.

Reduced focus and concentration

Alcohol consumption impairs a driver’s ability to concentrate on the road and their surroundings. This lack of focus can cause them to overlook important traffic signs, pedestrians, and other vehicles, increasing the risk of collisions.

Inhibited vision

Alcohol consumption can affect a driver’s vision, including their depth perception, peripheral vision, and ability to judge distances accurately. This impairment can result in misjudging the speed and distance of other vehicles, leading to dangerous situations.

Increased aggressiveness

Intoxicated drivers may display aggressive behavior behind the wheel, such as tailgating, weaving between lanes, or engaging in road rage. This aggressive driving behavior escalates the potential for accidents and puts everyone on the road at risk.

Higher likelihood of reckless behavior

Alcohol reduces inhibitions, leading some drivers to engage in reckless behavior they would otherwise avoid. This includes disregarding traffic laws, exceeding speed limits, and engaging in dangerous maneuvers.

Risk of wrong-way driving

Drunk drivers may become disoriented and confused, increasing the likelihood of wrong-way driving on highways and streets. Wrong-way accidents can result in devastating head-on collisions.

Increased severity of collisions

When a drunk driver is involved in a collision, the impact is often more severe due to their impaired state. The force of the collision can lead to greater damage to vehicles and more severe injuries to occupants.

Vulnerable road users

Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to drunk driving accidents. Impaired drivers may fail to notice these smaller and less protected road users, resulting in tragic outcomes.

Potential for fatalities

Drunk driving accidents frequently result in fatalities. The combination of impaired driving and the increased severity of collisions can lead to tragic loss of life.


How Can I Spot An Intoxicated Driver?

Spotting an intoxicated driver on the road is essential for ensuring your safety and the safety of others.

Some indicators that may suggest a driver is intoxicated include:

Erratic driving

Intoxicated drivers often exhibit erratic behavior on the road. This can include swerving between lanes, making abrupt lane changes without signaling, and driving too slowly or too fast for the current road conditions.

Inconsistent speed

Intoxicated drivers may have difficulty maintaining a steady speed. You might notice a vehicle speeding up and slowing down for no apparent reason.

Straddling lanes

Drivers under the influence may struggle to keep their vehicle within a single lane. They might drift between lanes or even straddle the dividing line.


Intoxicated drivers might follow other vehicles too closely, putting themselves and other drivers at risk. Their delayed reaction times can make it difficult for them to stop in time.

Wide turns

Impaired drivers may take wide turns that are either too abrupt or too wide for the given turn radius. This can be a sign of impaired judgment and coordination.

Braking issues

Intoxicated drivers may brake suddenly and unpredictably or fail to brake in time. You might notice the vehicle stopping too far from a stop sign or traffic signal.

Delayed reaction

Impaired drivers often react slowly to changes in traffic conditions. They might hesitate when the light turns green or take an unusually long time to respond to changing signals.

Drifting or weaving

Intoxicated drivers may drift within their lane or weave back and forth across the road. This erratic movement is a strong indicator of impaired driving.

Ignoring traffic signals

Drivers under the influence might run red lights or stop signs, as impaired judgment can lead them to misinterpret traffic signals.

Excessive braking

Intoxicated drivers may brake excessively or without reason, potentially causing confusion for other drivers.

Driving at night without headlights

Some intoxicated drivers may forget to turn on their headlights when driving at night, making them less visible to other motorists.

Delayed response to signals

If you notice a driver not moving when the traffic signal changes to green, it could be a sign of impairment.

If you suspect that you are sharing the road with an intoxicated driver, it’s crucial to maintain a safe distance from their vehicle. Avoid overtaking them or engaging in any confrontational behavior. Instead, safely pull over and report the situation to the local authorities, providing them with a description of the vehicle, its location, and its behavior.

Contact Us Today!

At Friedland & Associates, we are dedicated to helping victims of drunk driving accidents and their families find a path to justice. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that such accidents can take, and we are committed to standing by your side throughout the legal process.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you during this challenging time.

4.8 Rating of 248 Reviews

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients

“I felt like this law firm actually cared and fought for me! I was really impressed on how diligent they were working on my whole case. Thank you Friedland & Associates team, I would also like to say Thank you to Sukie for assisting me”

A. C.

“Friedland and Associates are one of the best law-firms in Broward County. They always are very friendly and understanding. It’s always a pleasure when speaking with them they make everything super easy unlike other law-firms in the area!”


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